Lango Hails 'Elijah Streams ' for supporting Community with clean and reliable Water Source

May 16, 2024 - 06:13
May 16, 2024 - 06:51
 0  61
Lango Hails 'Elijah Streams ' for supporting Community with clean and reliable Water Source
BP. Joseph Omara and BP. Hadson Suubi

Local leaders in Lango subregion have expressed gratitudes to Elijah Streams, an American based non govemental organisation for supporting various communities in rural part of Uganda with clean, reliable and affordable water source. 

 Elijah Streams through Show Mercy International has constructed 12 boreholes to communities in Lango worth over 200 Million Ugx shillings to address the challenges of poor access to drinking water. 

The community whom majority of them have been sharing water source with animals now have a reason to smile. 

Isaac Apenyo , the current chairman of Omoro whose area received two boreholes, thanked the charity organisation for development. 

He said his  area was affected by the war of LRA and ever since they returned home access to clean water source has been a biggest issue. 

In a separate interview, Dr. George Mawa, the prime of Palamyek clan said the availability of source provide security to communities, reduce high cases of domestic violence and adreess the issue of school enrollment among girls. 

He applauded Elijah Streams, National Fellowship Of Born Again pentacostal churches Lango and Show Mercy International for the great support. 

While presiding over the hand over celebration, BP. Hadson Suubi of National Fellowship Of Born Again pentacostal churches, Central Buganda urged Christians to remain focus to God. 

The influencial man of God , Subbi was also acknowledged that majority of people in Lango subregion region are struggling to access water. 

He added, he will advocate for more support from the well-wishers to support them . 

Lango sub region was affected heavily by the activities of Lord Resistance Army, more 300 innocent people were killed in Barlonyo, Lira District during the war. 

Key notable religious leaders attended the hand over celebration like Dr. BP. Tom I Okello, National Chair of Elders' Council for NPBC 

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